Join the Cofense Training and Product teams for a 30 minute best practices and deployment guidance webinar around Cofense Reporter SaaS. Not only does Cofense host this Reporter version, but we keep it upgraded for you and deployment can be done in minutes! Join our upcoming webinar and learn why 1 in 5 of the Fortune 500 use Reporter every day to report malicious attacks.

You’ll learn about:

  • Cofense Reporter SaaS capabilities and the many benefits of upgrading 
  • Why Cofense Reporter SaaS is best for your environment  
  • What the next steps are for you to deploy Reporter SaaS 

Some of the amazing benefits of Reporter SaaS include:

  • End users can report malicious attacks more quickly  
  • There’s less manual effort when it comes to running and maintaining your simulation programs 
  • Track important program KPI’s and show measurable improvements in staff resiliency scores